Filler for plump youthful looking lips

Lip Filler Treatment in Sevenoaks, Kent

Lip fillers are substances that can be injected into the lips in order to add volume or shape them differently. They typically contain hyaluronic acid which is a naturally occurring substance found in our bodies that helps keep skin hydrated and plump.

Everything you need to know about lip fillers

What are Lip Fillers

Lip fillers are a popular cosmetic procedure that can help enhance and plump the lips. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about lip fillers performed by Dr Paulina.

How Do Lip Fillers Work? 

The process for getting lip fillers involves having an experienced practitioner inject the chosen product directly into your lips using a very fine needle. 

This procedure usually takes around 15 minutes depending on how much filler you choose to have done. After injection, it may take up to two weeks before you see full results from your treatment due to swelling and bruising at the site of injection subsiding over time

What are the benefits of Lip Fillers?

There are many benefits associated with getting lip fillers from Dr Paulina. These include:

Natural-looking results: With her expertise and experience in performing lip filler procedures, she is able to provide natural-looking results that look like your own lips but better.

Long lasting effects: The effects of the lip filler injections typically last up to six months or longer depending on how well they were administered and taken care of afterwards. This means you don’t have to worry about having them done again for quite some time

Minimal downtime: Unlike other cosmetic treatments such as surgery, there is minimal downtime after receiving lip fillers from Dr Paulina which makes it an ideal option for those who want immediate results without any major recovery period required.

What to expect during your appointment with Dr Paulina?

When visiting Dr Paulina for a consultation regarding lip fillers, here is what you can expect during your appointment:

Consultation and Assessment: Before beginning the treatment process, she will assess your facial features and discuss with you what kind of result would be best suited for achieving your desired outcome. She will also answer any questions or concerns you may have before proceeding further into the treatment plan. 

Treatment Plan: Once both parties agree upon a suitable course of action, she will begin administering the injections using hyaluronic acid based dermal filler products specifically designed for use around delicate areas such as the mouth area where precision is key in order achieve optimal results safely and effectively.

Conclusion: Getting lip fillers from experienced professionals like Dr Paulina offers numerous advantages over other methods available today including natural looking outcomes along with long lasting effects all while requiring minimal downtime following each session making it one of most sought out procedures within aesthetic medicine today!