Non-surgical facelift using HIFU

HIFU Treatment in Sevenoaks, Kent

If you’ve been considering a non-invasive facelift, you may have heard of HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound). HIFU treatment for the face lifts and tightens the skin, irons out fine lines and wrinkles, shrinks pores and helps stimulate the production of collagen which helps to restore the volume in your face which is lost as you age.

Dr Paulina is the only clinic in Sevenoaks that currently offers the Focus Dual HIFU.

What is HIFU?

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-invasive treatment increasingly used for skin tightening and facial rejuvenation.

The procedure works using high-frequency sound waves to heat the outer layers of the skin and stimulate collagen production for a younger, firmer appearance.

It's sometimes called a "lunchtime facelift" because the treatment is quick, comfortable, and has no downtime.

One of the main advantages of HIFU is that it is minimally invasive, meaning there is no surgery or needles.

The procedure is done through the skin, so patients have little downtime or recovery time. This makes HIFU an attractive option for those who want to improve their appearance without major surgery.

HIFU can be used on facial areas such as the neck, chin and face to tighten the skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

It can also be used to improve the appearance of the chin and jawline, giving patients a clearer, more lifted appearance.

In addition to its skin tightening benefits, HIFU has been shown to stimulate collagen production for a more youthful and beautiful appearance.

Collagen is a protein produced by the body responsible for giving the skin elasticity and firmness. As we age, collagen production decreases, which leads to the development of wrinkles and sagging skin. HIFU can help reverse this process by creating new collagen and elastin fibres.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The entire HIFU treatment on your face, neck and decolletage usually takes around 45 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated.

    There is no downtime associated with this procedure so you can resume normal activities immediately after treatment.

  • As with any medical procedure, there are some risks involved with HIFU face treatments such as temporary flushing or redness or mild swelling of the area that has been treated.

    These should subside within a few days following the treatment. Other rare side effects include pain during treatment or changes in pigmentation. These are very uncommon when performed by an experienced aesthetic doctor using quality equipment.

    Dr Paulina uses Award Winning Lynton Focus Dual HIFU machine for all of her HIFU aesthetic treatments in Sevenoaks. It has been developed at the University of Manchester and manufactured in the UK. Lynton is considered one of, if not the safest manufacturer available and supplies lasers to children’s hospitals all over the country such a Evelina in London to treat birth marks. As such, Dr Paulina provides you with the safest aesthetic treatments possible to achieve non-invasive face and neck lifts possible.

  • A single session typically lasts between 12-18 months however multiple sessions may be required for optimal results depending on individual needs and desired outcomes. 

    At her clinic in Sevenoaks, Dr Paulina will conduct a full consultation and give her recommendations on the number of treatments needed depends on your skin and desired outcome.

    Results will vary from person to person based on age or lifestyle habits but most people start seeing visible improvements within three weeks after their first session with full results appearing gradually over 6 months following the initial treatment.

  • Depending on the quality of your skin and your individual needs, one session may be enough while others might require more than two or three sessions spaced out every 4-6 months apart. Dr Paulina will advise you on the best bespoke HIFU routine for you based on your goals, age or lifestyle.

  • Some patients notice some improvement in their skin and in sagginess of the skin straight away. However, your body only starts to produce collagen a few weeks after the treatments. You should start noticing visible improvements within 3 weeks after your first HIFU session although full results appear gradually over the following 6 months after your initial treatment. However, please keep in mind that everyone's body responds differently so results may vary from person to person.

  • Generally speaking, anyone who wants to improve their appearance without undergoing surgery could benefit from this type of non-invasive facial rejuvenation technique. However, if you have certain medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease then it would be best to consult with Dr Paulina Charlesworth at her clinic in Sevenoaks before proceeding with any kind of cosmetic procedures including HIFU treatments.

    Additionally, pregnant women should avoid having any kind of aesthetic treatment due to potential risk factors associated with them during the pregnancy period.

  • Yes! Clinical studies have shown that high-intensity focused ultrasound technology (HIFU) has proven effective in reducing wrinkles and fine lines as well as improving overall facial contours and texture resulting in a younger-looking complexion without going under the knife essentially a non-surgical facelift or neck lift.

  • As mentioned earlier there could be some minor side effects like temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the site where the device was used. However, these usually subside quickly and don't cause much discomfort compared to other surgical facelift or neck lift options available today. Dr Paulina Charlesworth uses the Focus Dual machine at her clinic in Sevenoaks which is the latest clinically proven technology for non-surgical skin lifting, firming, and tightening of the face and body and causes minimal discomfort.

    All things considered, if done correctly by a qualified professional like Dr Paulina in Sevenoaks, then HIFU offers a great alternative to those wanting to achieve a youthful look without resorting to traditional methods like facelift or neck lift surgeries etc! So why wait longer, go ahead and give yourself chance to experience the amazing benefits HIFU has to offer today.

  • If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to reduce fat and sagging skin on your body, HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) may be the answer. This revolutionary technology has been used in medical treatments since the 1950s, but it is now being used as an effective tool for fat loss and skin tightening.

    HIFU works by using high-intensity ultrasound waves that penetrate deep into the tissue of the targeted area. The energy from these waves causes a thermal reaction that breaks down fat cells while also stimulating collagen production to tighten up loose or sagging skin. It can be used on both the face and body, making it a great option for those who want to target multiple areas at once.

    At her clinic in Sevenoaks Dr Paulina Charlesworth can use HIFU to target fat and sagging skin on areas of your body as well as your face such as bingo wings, tummy tuck, thighs, bottom sculpting, and any other areas of your body where you feel there is excess fat or sagging skin.